TOPIC. Romans 3 vs 4a.

A lot of Christians suffer in life because they have no knowledge of the God they worship, ask your self ..... Can God lie? Did God not say in the book of Jeremiah that " Am the God of all flesh is there. anything impossible for me to do"? God first told you who He is before asking a question,now whats your answer to God's question concerning that situation that has tied you down,that problem that seems not to have a solution. Who's report will you believe? some of us the doctors, spiritualist, Motivational speakers, neighbors,Relatives etc have put paid on our destinies because they have concluded that we are no good and can't be redeemed from what is ailing us,the question is what is your own opinion to this? The book of romans said let God be true and man be a liar.,that verse have saved a woman of faith from cancer.
This woman of faith has cancer and when she went for check up ,the doctor told her that she has just three months. That same evening she attended a service where the word of God preached that day was "Yea , let God be true and man be a liar" that was the only medication she needed for her ailment,for that three months are prayer and proclamation was " Yea,let God be true and the doctor be a liar" after three months she went for a test at the same hospital and not a single trace of cancer was detected God is God &God is proven in his word. You can only find or know God through his word . God is not a man that he should lie because God is justified in his word .Romans 3vs 4.
Most Christians make their problem bigger than God almighty ,we have the key to salvation all in the bible ,life threatening situations have solutions in the word of God. How well do you know your bible? what has man proclaim in your life that is drawing you backwards ,is it that you have been told that you can never do well? have you been called a vagabond? has the doctor put paid to your health? Has anyone vowed that u can never be married or have children ,the bible says " Who is it that saith when the Lord has not spoken" stand up to your feet now and proclaim the book of Romans 3verse4 into your situation and see the manifestation of the Almighty in that situation. When you resign yourself to fate, you give Satan an upper hand,no on has a conclusion on your case without your permission ,Read the word of God ,open your mouth and reclaim your destiny,the lord said " put me in remembrance of my word" those words you need to remind God about are in the bible.
God said $His thought towards us is of God and not of evil to bring us to an expected end" Have you tell him this ,in that penury situation ,have u reminded him of this promise when your landlord kick you out?God is a light unto our part,did you seek him in that dark situation? The bible says he that wavier and grumble can not receive anything from God ,When you come before God put on the breastplate of righteousness and wear the garment of repentance ,that way you can approach the almighty with an expectation from the throne of Grace..

Be not deceive you can not live in sin and expect the grace of God to abide. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,totally repentance is the key to a prosperous life. Sanctify yourself,run from sin ,create a good relationship with God ,use the word of God in the bible to tackle life issues ,these are the weapons needed to dismantle the evils of wicked in our life. Henceforth you are going to enjoy a life of bliss,if you have actually read this message and follow the instructions.
To enjoy Gods presence you must first be a member of God's cabinet ,all you need do is to accept Jesus as your lord and personal saviour. Say this short prayer with me.....

Repentance prayer:Lord Jesus,am a sinner,lost in the world ,i acknowledge Your sacrifice at the cross am deeply sorry for my sins,i repent of them all and ask that you forgive me and receive me into your grace. Thank you for forgiveness of sins .In Jesus name have i prayed. Amen.

Now you are qualified to make your supplication to God. Stop God with his own word.

Prayer: Every negative utterance,fighting my destiny,i proclaim the word of God in Romans 3verse 4. Yea let God be true and( call your situation by its name) be a liar.

I celebrate you as you enter into your bliss. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !! Hallelujah !!!


( God's general and Founder)


JOHN 3:3
During the time of Noah God asked him to build an ark where all would enter freely to avoid the impeding danger,the wrath of God was upon the earth ,the ark was the only passage to safety,if you are not in the ark you are doomed. I know some persons will say "I would have been in the ark if i was from that era (Smile) really ,you would have been in the ark? are u in the ark now?Do you even know if an ark has been built? Is someone hearing me,the ark has been built friend.
John3:3, KJV: "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." This concept of rebirth is critical for understanding the gospel. Children inherit the attributes of their parents: to be a "child of God" is no small thing! This also implies the associations of change, and pain, involved in childbirth. The change is mostly on the part of the child, but the pain is mostly on the part of the parent. In this case, the pain suffered by God, in the form of Jesus on a cross, produces rebirth and change in those who turn to Him for Salvation Is someone still waiting for the ark? The ark has been built brother! Jhn3:3 is a confirmation that the ark has been built,and the name is BE BORN AGAIN! that is the only transportation available to heaven. Are you in the ark? Are you born again ,Brethren if you are not born again am sorry you are not in the ark.

Being born again is the last ark of this era without which no one can see the kingdom of God. Born again is total denial of the things of this world and living an exemplary life of Christ.
No wonder the bible says when u are born again old things have passed away ,you are now a new creature in Christ,its an eternal decision. If you are not born again you are not more important than the furniture in the church building.
The bible acknowledged it that heaven rejoices if just one person is saved ,that is how much we are important to God. Brethren i ask you again "Are you in the ark" take a minute.......search your heart .....If the trumpet sound right now where will you be going,its a personal assessment ,if your realisation scares you ,know it that you are still outside the ark.

Get in the ark ,forsake those things that separate you from God, in the book of Isaiah made us understand that our sins have separated us from the love of God,how dare you approach the Holy of Holiness in a filthy nature. The only assess to the divine goodies in heaven is being in the ark.

Without repentance no man will see God ,because we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Repent now that there is still time. do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? Luke 13: 3 stated it clearly repent or you perish,to what end will you wallow in sin only to suffer eternal punishment. No one has a guaranty of a hundred years ,still what is hundred years in comparison to eternity. See what Rev 2:5 has to say "Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place, unless you repent. Dear God have mercy and do not remove our lamp stand from its place. a lamp stand is where sits a candle to illuminate the whole room,without which the room will be in darkness,therefore if for sin God removes our lamp stand it means our whole life will be in total darkness. Repent of your sins,be born again ,get in the ark so that you can attract the light of God into your life, a light that even darkness can not comprehend. I leave you with the warning and advise from the book of proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Brethren are you in the ark? you alone can answer that ,if you are not convinced if you are in the ark now take this steps with as i hand you over to Jesus Christ the Ark of God..........say this prayer( Repentance prayer)
Congratulations ,well come onboard the ark of God

Rev Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu


These are quotations from the amiable woman of God, words of the bible that she uses During Prayer, Worship, Teaching , Deliverance and counselling...

Let the Word of God be a lamp to your feet and a light for your path"

The joy of the Lord is my strength and His grace is sufficient for me

The earth is the LORD and the fullness thereof, the world, and all who live in it.

But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Because He lives I can face tomorrow"

The. word of God says "surely they shall gather but certainly not by me but whosever gathered together concerning you shall scatter"

I look up to the hills from where comes my help, my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
The lord will not suffer my feet to be moved.

"Standstill hold your peace, the Egyptians you see today you will see them no more"

My God is the God of all flesh, with him nothing is impossible.

"yea,let God be true and every man a liar "
"There shall be no incantation against Jacob neither shall there be any divination against Israel

" Put on the full amour of God for the devil roam like a roaring lion seeking for who to devour"

" Choose ye this day who ye shall serve as for me and my house we will serve the Lord"

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

All things work together for me that love the Lord..

I am the light and salt of this world...

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ...

I chose you. And appointed you to go and bear fruit.

"The Lord will fight for you and you will Hold you peace."
"God can not lie"

"Anyone who puts his hand on the plough is not fit for the kingdom"

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