"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:35, 40) "And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." (Isaiah 58:10) 

A Widow receives palliative , one of the many welfare packages undertaken by the Rev. Dr. Joy Foundation. One of the many benefactors from this kind gesture from the Foundation.

Umutu widows, delta state Nigeria enjoys an awesome time with God's General as she host them during her visit to Nigeria.

Part of the schools who have also benefitted from the benevolence of Rev Joy Foundation.
Widows who benefitted from the COVID-19 palliatives distributed by the Woman of God. 

The essence of Christian living, is to live right, in health, peace, and success. Despite this saying life do not give equal opportunity to humans, some are born tall, while some are born short, some born healthy while some are born sick, some are born into wealth while some are born into poverty. Above all, we are created to complement each other. The love of God is the heart to do good to your fellow humans the little way you can, in doing this we are expressing the love of God in us.

The Rev. Dr. Joy Foundation is the  Relief center for the Divine Soldiers of Christ Nation Ministry. 

The purpose of this Foundation is to reach out to the needy according to their pressing needs. The Foundation takes much interest in the welfare of Widows, Orphans, Children from single parents, poverty-stricken persons, students, The handicaps. Rev. Dr. Joy beliefs that no one should be in any form of suffering, in her own little way she has involved in life-changing activities to alleviate the suffering of the downtrodden. Welfare packages have been given to schools, over five thousand students have benefited from this Foundation, either by sponsorship, scholarship, Provision of study materials to schools, cash gift. The widows are not left out, The Foundation stands as a husband to them where such attention his needed, in the event of any festivity the widows are the priority of the Foundation, grants have been given to assist them in their businesses, their children receive scholarships, Healthcare services are provided for them. Rev. Dr. Joy beliefs that salvation and the benefits of living should go hand in hand, hence her strong belief in helping the needy.

Its all about God, she seems to be saying, in the midst of glorious women, widows who many thoughts are of no good, she picked them up and gave them recognition. Rev Joy the woman of God in the midst of widows of Umutu in delta state Nigeria
Rev. Dr. Joy apart from being a vessel unto the lord for proclaiming His words, she is also a woman with the heart of gold, she sees good in every situation. Here she pays a visit to one of the primary schools in delta state. Standing at the assembly ground where she made donations for the welfare of the students Like she normally says, "My little token to assist their Academic pursuits."
Same day another location the amiable woman of God also made her beneficial support to a secondary school in Umutu.
Here,God's general is having a chat with the widows of Umutu when they pay her a courtesy call.
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