The Morning Coffee Scriptures 

is the early morning bible study, teaching, you receive on the bed, office, or while you work or even drive to work. The every Tuesday Warfare prayer, is a day set aside in the week where destinies are changed, destinies released from bondage a day when altars are torn down, strongholds are loosened, a powerful day to encounter the supremacy of God over the household of darkness, through His prophetess Rev Joy. Authentic talk is a Radio program where Teachings on life happenings are discussed and questions asked The ministries Outreach program is focused on bettering the life of  Widows, Orphans, 
Handicapped, Schools, Assistance to single parents, etc, all this put together points to one direction that the Divine Soldiers of Christ Nation Ministry is geared towards humanity, making us live well on earth and also prepare us for the coming of the Kingdom of God. 
 Rev Joy Anwuli Nwanchukwu, is a wife, mother, and grandmother, a woman with the fire of God flowing through her, a great woman of God in an angels body, a General of God, an astute Defender of the faith, Blessed with the gift of healings and prophetic declarations. Rev. Joy began her undergraduate schooling at the University of Maryland, University College where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting in 2006. She continued on to receive a Dual Masters, in Master of Science Degree in Human Resources and a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of Maryland University College in 2007. Rev. Joy continued on to receive a Master of Divinity Degree from Payne Theological Seminary in 2017. The firepower in her spirit for the work of God is unlimited.
-Reverend Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu

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ORIGIN: The ministry was founded by Rev Joy Anwuli Nwanchukwu a Nigerian by birth from Umutu, Delta State, in the year August 13th, 2011 in the state of Maryland United States of America. In the year 2020 its metamorphosis into an online church for the purpose of enveloping all her Members across borders of Nations.
Divine Soldiers of Christ Nation Ministry is a Ministry built on Warfare Prayers, bringing down of strongholds, Deliverance from bondage, Breaking of family and inherited curses, it's a Ministry that has humanity as a focus point, by the outreach and philanthropic steps taken to alleviate poverty, to bring smiles to the face of the downtrodden. Evangelizing the raw words of God from the bible is the focus point of the ministry, winning souls for the kingdom of God, through fire ranging Preaching, Teaching and Philanthropic gestures, the programs engineered by the ministry are a pointer to the purpose of the ministry.

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