Morning Coffee Scriptures was designed to bless the most challenging days of the week: Monday through Friday. When you are on the go, you have the Word of God right in your hands so you have no excuse not to read His words. At times when you feel down, feeling like you are not going to make it, Morning Coffee Scriptures help you to get throughout the day when you go to work. Either before you go to work or after you come from work have a spiritual Morning Coffee Scripture. Read, study, meditate on the Bible, and be encourage Monday through Friday. Enjoy soothing your soul. Amen! My brothers and sisters, it is well with your soul in every situation, so listen-hold on, don't give up, don't faint, don't quit, don't throw in the towel, and don't worry! Be happy! Because God is in charge and nothing is impossible with Him and nothing is too hard for Him to do!


TOPIC. Romans 3: 4a.

A lot of Christians suffer in life because they have no knowledge of the God they worship, ask your self ..... Can God lie? Did God not say in the book of Jeremiah that " Am the God of all flesh is there. anything impossible for me to do"? God first told you who He is before asking a question,now whats your answer to God's question concerning that situation that has tied you down,that problem that seems not to have a solution. Who's report will you believe? some of us the doctors, spiritualist, Motivational speakers, neighbors,Relatives etc have put paid on our destinies because they have concluded that we are no good and can't be redeemed from what is ailing us,the question is what is your own opinion to this? The book of romans said let God be true and man be a liar.,that verse have saved a woman of faith from cancer.
This woman of faith has cancer and when she went for check up ,the doctor told her that she has just three months. That same evening she attended a service where the word of God preached that day was "Yea , let God be true and man be a liar" that was the only medication she needed for her ailment,for that three months are prayer and proclamation was " Yea,let God be true and the doctor be a liar" after three months she went for a test at the same hospital and not a single trace of cancer was detected God is God &God is proven in his word. You can only find or know God through his word . God is not a man that he should lie because God is justified in his word .Romans 3vs 4.
Most Christians make their problem bigger than God almighty ,we have the key to salvation all in the bible ,life threatening situations have solutions in the word of God. How well do you know your bible? what has man proclaim in your life that is drawing you backwards ,is it that you have been told that you can never do well? have you been called a vagabond? has the doctor put paid to your health? Has anyone vowed that u can never be married or have children ,the bible says " Who is it that saith when the Lord has not spoken" stand up to your feet now and proclaim the book of Romans 3verse4 into your situation and see the manifestation of the Almighty in that situation. When you resign yourself to fate, you give Satan an upper hand,no on has a conclusion on your case without your permission ,Read the word of God ,open your mouth and reclaim your destiny,the lord said " put me in remembrance of my word" those words you need to remind God about are in the bible.
God said $His thought towards us is of God and not of evil to bring us to an expected end" Have you tell him this ,in that penury situation ,have u reminded him of this promise when your landlord kick you out?God is a light unto our part,did you seek him in that dark situation? The bible says he that wavier and grumble can not receive anything from God ,When you come before God put on the breastplate of righteousness and wear the garment of repentance ,that way you can approach the almighty with an expectation from the throne of Grace..

Be not deceive you can not live in sin and expect the grace of God to abide. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,totally repentance is the key to a prosperous life. Sanctify yourself,run from sin ,create a good relationship with God ,use the word of God in the bible to tackle life issues ,these are the weapons needed to dismantle the evils of wicked in our life. Henceforth you are going to enjoy a life of bliss,if you have actually read this message and follow the instructions.
To enjoy Gods presence you must first be a member of God's cabinet ,all you need do is to accept Jesus as your lord and personal saviour. Say this short prayer with me.....

Repentance prayer:Lord Jesus,am a sinner,lost in the world ,i acknowledge Your sacrifice at the cross am deeply sorry for my sins,i repent of them all and ask that you forgive me and receive me into your grace. Thank you for forgiveness of sins .In Jesus name have i prayed. Amen.

Now you are qualified to make your supplication to God. Stop God with his own word.

Prayer: Every negative utterance,fighting my destiny,i proclaim the word of God in Romans 3verse 4. Yea let God be true and( call your situation by its name) be a liar.

I celebrate you as you enter into your bliss. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !! Hallelujah !!!


( God's general and Founder)


JOHN 3:3
During the time of Noah God asked him to build an ark where all would enter freely to avoid the impeding danger,the wrath of God was upon the earth ,the ark was the only passage to safety,if you are not in the ark you are doomed. I know some persons will say "I would have been in the ark if i was from that era (Smile) really ,you would have been in the ark? are u in the ark now?Do you even know if an ark has been built? Is someone hearing me,the ark has been built friend.
John3:3, KJV: "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." This concept of rebirth is critical for understanding the gospel. Children inherit the attributes of their parents: to be a "child of God" is no small thing! This also implies the associations of change, and pain, involved in childbirth. The change is mostly on the part of the child, but the pain is mostly on the part of the parent. In this case, the pain suffered by God, in the form of Jesus on a cross, produces rebirth and change in those who turn to Him for Salvation Is someone still waiting for the ark? The ark has been built brother! Jhn3:3 is a confirmation that the ark has been built,and the name is BE BORN AGAIN! that is the only transportation available to heaven. Are you in the ark? Are you born again ,Brethren if you are not born again am sorry you are not in the ark.

Being born again is the last ark of this era without which no one can see the kingdom of God. Born again is total denial of the things of this world and living an exemplary life of Christ.
No wonder the bible says when u are born again old things have passed away ,you are now a new creature in Christ,its an eternal decision. If you are not born again you are not more important than the furniture in the church building.
The bible acknowledged it that heaven rejoices if just one person is saved ,that is how much we are important to God. Brethren i ask you again "Are you in the ark" take a your heart .....If the trumpet sound right now where will you be going,its a personal assessment ,if your realisation scares you ,know it that you are still outside the ark.

Get in the ark ,forsake those things that separate you from God, in the book of Isaiah made us understand that our sins have separated us from the love of God,how dare you approach the Holy of Holiness in a filthy nature. The only assess to the divine goodies in heaven is being in the ark.

Without repentance no man will see God ,because we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Repent now that there is still time. do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? Luke 13: 3 stated it clearly repent or you perish,to what end will you wallow in sin only to suffer eternal punishment. No one has a guaranty of a hundred years ,still what is hundred years in comparison to eternity. See what Rev 2:5 has to say "Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place, unless you repent. Dear God have mercy and do not remove our lamp stand from its place. a lamp stand is where sits a candle to illuminate the whole room,without which the room will be in darkness,therefore if for sin God removes our lamp stand it means our whole life will be in total darkness. Repent of your sins,be born again ,get in the ark so that you can attract the light of God into your life, a light that even darkness can not comprehend. I leave you with the warning and advise from the book of proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Brethren are you in the ark? you alone can answer that ,if you are not convinced if you are in the ark now take this steps with as i hand you over to Jesus Christ the Ark of God..........say this prayer( Repentance prayer)
Congratulations ,well come onboard the ark of God

Rev Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu


These are quotations from the amiable woman of God, words of the bible that she uses During Prayer, Worship, Teaching , Deliverance and counselling...

Let the Word of God be a lamp to your feet and a light for your path"

The joy of the Lord is my strength and His grace is sufficient for me

The earth is the LORD and the fullness thereof, the world, and all who live in it.

But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Because He lives I can face tomorrow"

The. word of God says "surely they shall gather but certainly not by me but whosever gathered together concerning you shall scatter"

I look up to the hills from where comes my help, my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
The lord will not suffer my feet to be moved.

"Standstill hold your peace, the Egyptians you see today you will see them no more"

My God is the God of all flesh, with him nothing is impossible.

"yea,let God be true and every man a liar "
"There shall be no incantation against Jacob neither shall there be any divination against Israel

" Put on the full amour of God for the devil roam like a roaring lion seeking for who to devour"

" Choose ye this day who ye shall serve as for me and my house we will serve the Lord"

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

All things work together for me that love the Lord..

I am the light and salt of this world...

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ...

I chose you. And appointed you to go and bear fruit.

"The Lord will fight for you and you will Hold you peace."
"God can not lie"

"Anyone who puts his hand on the plough is not fit for the kingdom"


 READ: GENESIS 3: 7- 8

"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden." Genesis 3 :7-8. After sinning, Adam and Eve felt guilt and embarrassment over their nakedness. Their guilty feelings made them try to hide from God. A guilty conscience is a warning signal God placed inside you that goes off when you've done wrong. The worst step you could take is do eliminate the guilty feelings without eliminating the cause. That would be like using a pain killer but not treating the disease. Be glad those guilty feelings are there. They make you aware of your sins of you can ask God's forgiveness and then correct your wrongdoing. The thought of two humans covered with fig leaves trying to hide from the all-seeing, all-knowing God is humorous. How could they be so silly as to think they could actually hide? Yet we do the same, acting as though God doesn't know what we're doing. Have the courage to share all you do and think with Him. And don't try to hide---it can't be done. Honesty will strengthen your relationship with God. Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for being all-seeing and all-knowing. Please help me to see the guilty feelings on time and take action to eliminate the sin and the cause. Please do not let me run from You or hide from You but instead, help me to have courage to share all l do and think with You. Please my Father, help me to be honest to You so that my relationship with You will be strengthen all this l pray through Jesus Christ my Father and Savior Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: GENESIS 3: 8 - 9
"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?" These verses show God's desire to have fellowship with us. They also show why we are afraid to have fellowship with Him. Adam and Eve hid from God when they heard him approaching. God wanted to be with them, but because of their sin they were afraid to show themselves. Sin had broken their close relationship with God. Sin has also broken ours. But Jesus Christ, God's Son open the way for us to renew our fellowship with Him. God longs to be with us. He actively love us with His unconditional love. Our natural responsibility is not the case because we feel we can't live up to His standard. But understanding that He loves us, regardless of our fault, can help remove that dread.PRAYER : Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for Your desires to fellowship with me. Please take away my sin and do not remember them anymore so that l can show myself to You anytime anywhere, when You approach me, and not hide when l hear Your voice in Jesus Christ The Way and the Life Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent toMorningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: EXODUS 5: 15 - 21
"Then the Israelites foremen went and appeared to Pharaoh, "Why have you treated your servant this way? Your servants are given no straw, yet we are told, 'Make bricks!' Your servants are being beaten, but the fault is with your own people." Pharaoh said, "Lazy, that's what you are-lazy! That is why you keep saying, 'Let us go and sacrifice to the Lord.' Now get to work. You will not be given any straw, yet you must produce your full quota of bricks." The Israelite foremen realized they were in trouble when they were told, "You are not to reduce the number of bricks required of you for each day." When they left Pharaoh, they found Moses and Aaron waiting to meet them, and they said, "May the Lord look on you and judge you! You have made us a... Exodus 5:15-21. The foremen were caught in the middle. First they tried to get the people to produce the same amount, then they complained to Pharaoh, finally they turned on Moses. Perhaps you have felt caught in the middle at work, or in relationships in your family or church. Complaining or turning on the leadership does not solve the problem. In the case of these supervisors, God had a larger purpose in mind, just as He might in your situation. So rather than turning on the leadership or human beings when you feel pressured by both sides, please I beg you to turn to God to see what else He might be doing in this situation.PRAYER : O Lord my God, take away any type of spirit that will make us turn to our leaders or human beings when we are pressured in any type of situation, but instead, help us to turn to You Baba the Author and Finisher of our lives to settle difficult situations in our lives. Remove the spirit of complaining in us because we don't want to die in our wilderness like some of the Israelites died, hear my voice O King, in Jesus Christ Great Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent toMorningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: EXODUS 5: 22 - 23
Happy Valentine's day to all Morning Coffee Scriptures receipts!"Moses returned to the Lord and said, "O Lord, why have you brought trouble upon this people? Is this why you sent me? Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has brought trouble on this people, and you have not rescued your people at all." Pharaoh had just increased the Hebrews workload, and Moses protested that God had not rescued his people. Moses expected faster results and fewer problems. When God is at work, suffering, setbacks, and hardship may still occur. In James 1:2-4, we are encouraged to be happy when difficulties come our way. Problems develop our patience and character by teaching us to 1.) trust God to do what is best for us, 2.) look for ways to honor God in our present situation, 3.) remember that God will not abandon us, and 4.) watch for God's plan for us.
PRAYER : Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, during the time of Your will in our lives, when our miracle is very near and fast coming and our situation become unbearable and the fire of pain, suffering, difficulties, struggles, hardship, and setbacks try to take over us, please l beg You, with my humble heart not to leave us or forsake us but instead, come quickly to help us to remember Your Word of encouragement in James 1:2-4, and other encouraging verses in the Bible. Please help us to always look forward and beyond our situation to Your Unchanging hand, to trust and honor You, to do what is best for us in Jesus Christ our Deliverance and Burden Bearing' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent toMorningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Therefore, say to the Israelites: 'I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. Small problems need only small answers. But when we face great problems, God has an opportunity to exercise His great power. As the Hebrews troubles grew steadily worse, God planned to intervene with His mighty power and perform great miracles to deliver them. How big are your problems? Big problems put you in a perfect position to watch a Big God give big answers.PRAYER : My God, I know it is not by might and power but by Your Spirit say the Lord that every mountain in our lives must be removed in Jesus Christ Great Name. I decree and declare that every mountain in our lives must be removed and level as road for us to pass through and God will pour out water on our thirsty land and streams on our dry ground. God will go before our big and biggest problems and level the mountains and break down gates of bronze. God will not forget us but instead He will remember us and favor us. So l don't care whatever we are going through or our big and biggest problems we just have to remember the Word of God in this Morning Coffee Scriptures today and pick up our mat of problems and run to faith, hope, trust, strength in God so that our big problems will put us in a perfect position to watch God bless and give us big and biggest answers in Jesus Christ our Miracle Working Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent toMorningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: GENESIS 3: 11 -13
"And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" The man said, "The woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." Then the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." Adam and Eve failed to heed God's warning recorded in Genesis 2:16-17. They did not understand the reasons for His command, so they chose to act in another way that looked better to them. Does that sound familiar to you? Notice, all of God's commands are for our own good, but we may not always understand the reasons behind them. People who trust God will obey because God asks them to, whether or not they understand why God commands it. When God asked Adam about his sin, Adam blamed Eve. Then Eve blamed the serpent (blamed tactics or game). How easy it is to excuse our sins by blaming someone else or circumstances. But God knows the truth, and He holds each of us responsible for what we do check out Genesis 3:14-19. Admit your wrong attitudes and actions and apologize to God. Don't try to get away with sin by blaming someone else. And if you have offended someone go now and apologize to him or her so that you can make it right with God.
Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving all my sins, help me to heed to Your warning on time even if l do not understand the reasons for Your commands. Please give me the power to trust You and obey You even when it hurt. Please l beg You Baba my Father, to take away every blaming spirit that will try to make me get away from sin in Jesus Christ the Great Adviser, and Faithful Father Name! Amen! God bless you!!!"LET THE WORD OF GOD BE A LAMP TO YOUR FEET AND A LIGHT FOR YOUR PATH"In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent toMorningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: LEVITICUS 2: 14 -15.
"'If you bring a grain offering of firstfruits to the Lord, offer crushed heads...Leviticus 2:14-15. Crushed heads of new grain mixed with oil and baked was typical food for the average person. This offering was token presentation of a person's daily food. In this way, people acknowledged God as provider of their food.Even a poor person could fulfill this offering. God was pleased by the motivation and the dedication of the persons making it.
PRAYER: God my Great Provider, my Protector, please hear and accept my thanksgiving prayer today. Thank You for the presentation of my daily food everyday since I was born into this world which in a way, has help me to acknowledge You as Provider of my food. Even when I was a poor person, You still showed up to make sure there was food on the table for me and my children, roof on our head, and shoe on our feet. O what a Mighty God You are! When my enemies came like a flood and though they have render me useless, You showed up and set up a standard for me and my children.Thank You Lord I feel like running πŸƒright now just to praise You and show the world how I love, cherish and appreciate You Baba, and I know You are pleased by the motivation and the dedication of my making it today by Your grace.Thank You for making a way out of no way and putting a flowing river in the desert of my life that when I lost everything in my life I did not loss my Faith, Joy, Hope, Worship, Thanksgiving, Confidence and my Praise because You gave me strength to remain consistent and faithful in fasting and prayer, thank You Lord God Almighty I 😍 Love You! I really really 😍 Love You Sir, please keep on helping me and providing all my needs according to Your riches and glory and my heart desires until You come again do not leave me alone nor forsake me in Jesus Christ my Great Provider Amen!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent toMorningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did ... Exodus 33:11. God and Moses talked face to face in the Tent of Meeting, just as friends do. Why did Moses find such favor with God? It certainly was not because he was perfect, gifted, or powerful. Rather, it was because God chose Moses, and Moses in turn relied wholeheartedly on God's wisdom and direction. Friendship with God was a true privilege for Moses, out of reach for the other Hebrews. But it is not out of reach for us today. Jesus called His disciples----and, by extension, all of His followers----His friends (John 15:15). He has called you to be His friend. Will you trust Him as Moses did? Joshua, Moses' aide, did not leave the tent, probably because he was guarding it. No doubt there were curious people who would have dared to go inside.
PRAYER: O God King of glory, thank You for speaking and talking to me and for openning my ears to hear You spiritually. My Friend, my Priest, my teacher, my Mentor, and my Confident how I love and cherish our relationship to the extent of You showing Yourself Strong and Mighty in everything in my life. Please keep on talking to me and leading me because I will and I must obey and follow Your Word and Your Will, prepect by prepect if You lead me I will go, because Your Word will continue to be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Hold me strong in Your mighty hand to avoid my falling out of Your Will and Direction. I will always say Yes to Your Will and Yes to Your Way, if You lead me I will surely go so here I am send me because I am very much available to teach, preach, heal, deliver, prophesy in Jesus Christ my Friend and Director Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:READ: GENESIS 3:17 - 19" To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat from it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3:17-19. Adam and Eve's disobedience and fall from God's gracious presence affected all creation, including the environment. Years ago people thought nothing of pollution streams with chemical wastes and garbage. This seemed so insignificant, so small. Now we know that just two or three parts per million of certain chemicals can damage human health. Sin in our lives is similar to pollution in streams. Even small amount are deadly. For example: the diseases that is killing people nowadays, the killing of our young ones in the streets, rate of unemployment, financial difficulties, homosexuality, homelessness to mention but a few are all caused by our sin because the beautiful world God created that would have been like heaven, has been polluted by our sin.PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, please l beg You in Your Name, to look down today and as from today on going and have mercy on us Your people You have created with Your good merciful heart and the world or earth You have created from formless and empty and said it is good! in it in Jesus Christ Gracious' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!"LET THE WORD OF GOD BE A LAMP TO YOUR FEET AND A LIGHT FOR YOUR PATH"In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: EXODUS 6: 9 - 12
"Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage.Then the Lord said to Moses, "Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his country." But Moses said to the Lord, "If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to me, "? Exodus 6:9-12. When Moses gave God's message to the people, they were too discouraged to listen. The Hebrews didn't want to hear any more about God and His promises because the last time they listened to Moses, all they got was more work and greater suffering. Sometimes a clear message from God is followed by a period when no change in the situation is apparent. During that time, seeming setbacks may turn people away from wanting to hear more about God. If you are a leader, don't give up. Keep bringing people God's message as Moses did. By focusing on God who must be obeyed rather than on the results to be achieved, good leaders see beyond temporary setbacks and reversals.
PRAYER: God Almighty, as You have called me to work tirelessly and faithful committed to You Baba, and Your Word like Moses. I just wanted to pulse right here and say thank You for keeping me still on track on my leadership role in this sinful world even when it hurts really bad and hits the bottom. Thank You for giving me unshakable "Faith" as a leader to not give up, but to keep on bringing people Your message as Moses did. I thank You so very much for giving me the spirit of focusing on You who must be obeyed rather than on the results to be achieved, please help me to still be a good leader that can see beyond temporary setbacks and reversals. Baba God help me whenever l go through what Moses has gone through in Jesus Christ my Best and Good Leader Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: EXODUS 6:6 - 8
"Therefore, say to the Israelites: I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham..."Exodus 6:6-8. God's promises in these verses were fulfilled to the letter when the Hebrews left Egypt. He freed them from slavery, became their God, and accepted them as His people. Then He led them toward the land He had promised. When the Hebrews were rescued from slavery, they portrayed the drama of salvation for all of us. When God redeems us from sin He delivers us, accepts us, and becomes our God. Then He leads us to a new life as we follow Him.
PRAYER: My Father and my God, come quickly and rescue us from any type of slavery we put ourselves, Disobedience, Relationship, Financial, Marriage, Church, Job, Drugs, Alcohol, Prostitution, Education, Pain, Suffering, Rejection, Discrimination, Racism, Sexism, Classism, Ableism, Anti-Semitism, Ageism and Heterosexism, Homosexualism slavery. Please l beg You, to free us from deceitful ways of negative prejudgement that have a purpose to maintain control and power that the above social phenomena as each having the ability to control and destroy lives. Free us from the standard of rightness under which everyone is judged and norm that is backed up with individual and institutional violence which makes the oppression​ possible. Take away all this judgemental norm and free us from it all in Jesus Christ our Rescue, Freedom, and Deliverance Father's Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:READ: GENESIS 3:24
"After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life." Genesis 3:24. The cherubim were mighty angels of the Lord. This is how Adam and Eve broke their relationship with God: 1.) they became convinced their way was better than God's; 2.) they became self-conscious and hid; 3.) they tried to excuse and defend themselves. To build a relationship with God, we must reverse those steps: 1.) we must drop our excuses and self-defenses; 2.) we must stop trying to hide from God; 3.) we must become convinced that God's way is better than our way.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, help me to continually walk in Your will and to keep the reverse steps above. Please do not let me go out of my way one day to think higher about myself than You, and in any way possible I have done so, knowingly and unknowingly please have mercy on me, forgive me, heal me, revive me, light up my prayer alter. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and restore me to Yourself in Jesus Christ my Powerful Master' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: EXODUS 6:10-12"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his country." But Moses said to the Lord, "If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with..."? Exodus 6:10-12. Think how hard it must have been for Moses to bring God's message to Pharaoh when his own people had trouble believing it. Eventually, the Hebrews believed that God had sent Moses, but for a time he must have felt very alone. Moses obeyed God, however, and what a difference it made! When the chances for success appear slim, remember that anyone can obey God when the task is easy and everyone is behind it. Only those with persistent faith can obey when the task seems impossible.
PRAYER: My Father, thank You for giving me "Persistent Faith" to obey You when the task seems very impossible to the extent of giving up because "Persistent Faith" has been the only thing that has kept me in this pilgrimage Christian journey so far not to have given up. I don't know where l would have been if not the Great Faith and Hope You gave me because whenever l decided to let Faith and Hope go l feel like a fish taking out of the water. Daddy You are my Faith, my Hope, and my Rope. But most of all, l thank You, because l never lost my Joy, Praise, and Worship despite all l have been through and for not allowing me to give up or kill myself in the process of struggles, bad and wicked situation of this sinful sorrowful world l have gone through. Thank You my Baba! Thank You my Daddy! And thank You my Father, for all You have done in my life and for keeping me and being my Keeper, Protector, Deliverance, Rescuer, Provider, Comforter, Teacher, Mentor, Might in Battle, Counselor, Judge, Advocate, in Jesus Christ my All and Everything Father' Name Amen God bless you!!!"LET THE WORD OF GOD BE A LAMP TO YOUR FEET AND A LIGHT FOR YOUR PATH"
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Then the Lord said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. Exodus 7:1. God made Moses "like God to Pharaoh"----in other words, a powerful person who deserved to be listened to. Pharaoh himself was considered a god, so he recognized Moses as one of his peers. His refusal to give in to Moses shows, however, that he did not feel inferior to Moses. But in any case my brothers and sisters, the small g (god) will always bow for the big G (God) that's why in anything we do in this sinful and ungodly world we should always remember to put God the big G first. I don't know about you but I called God, the big G, because He lives in me and controlled everything about my life. Most of all, I really love Him so very much because you don't know what He is done for me, He gave me Victory, Mercy, Grace, Strength, Love, Salvation to mention but a few so I love Him! I love Him! I really love the Lord! I do! I do! I do love πŸ’˜ ❀ my Lord God Almighty Smile πŸ˜ƒ Amen! Amen! Amen!πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ So what about you? Do you love God? If you do then rejoice and be happy because the Kingdom of God is at hand. But if not then repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. I love you but God loves πŸ’˜ you More!
PRAYER: Oh God my Savior, my Father, my Mother, my Friend, my Teacher, my Mentor, my Protector, my Deliver, my Priest, my Pastor, my Prophet, my World, my Everything, please make me like You in the presence of my wicked enemies and Pharaoh's of my life. Please l beg You to make me a powerful person who deserved to be listened to, especially in the battle field of this sinful world with satan and his groups. Show me Your way and teach me Your path. Please show me the secret of Your Word, mercy, and grace and the abundance of understanding of Your Word of wisdom. Create in me a pure heart O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Please l beg You Baba for Your Name sake do not take Your Holy Spirit and anointing from me. Remember me and favor me. Do not forget to give me Laughter, Abundant Life, Joy, and Peace. I humbly bow before You today to beg You to come quickly and help me O Lord in every aspect of my life endeavors in Jesus Christ the Most and Great Powerful Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son." Genesis 18:14. " Is anything too hard for the Lord?" The obvious answer is, "Of course No!" This question reveals much about God. Make it a habit to insert your specific needs into the question. "Is this day in my life too hard for the Lord?" "Is this habit I'm trying to break too hard for Him?" "Is the communication problem I'm having in my marriage relationship too hard for Him?" "Is the financial, marriage, homosexual, singleness, poverty, unemployment, too hard for the Lord. No! Asking the question this way reminds you that God is personally involved in your life and need you to ask for His power to help you.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, thank you for being All-Powerful God by Yourself. Please go to each and everyone reading Morning Coffee Scriptures daily and use Your power to help them in any life difficulties and situations that is too hard for them. Do it, Lord! Do it right now because nothing is too hard for You to do and l know You will do it. I agree and believe with all of my brothers and sisters that is a done deal, because when two or three are gathered in Your Name You are there and Your presence is there. Daddy break every yoke and rock in their life and bring out honey and water from their rock do it now and is done in Jesus Christ the Way Maker's Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
READ: Romans 1:27
"In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another..." Romans 1: 27. Homosexuality (to exchange or abandon natural relations of sex) was as widespread in Paul's day as it is in ours. Many pagan practices encouraged it. God is willing to receive anyone who comes to Him in faith, and Christians should love and accept others no matter what their background. Yet, homosexuality is considered an acceptable practice by many in our world today---even by some churches. But society does not set the standard for God's law not all. Many homosexuals believe that their desires are normal and that they have a right to express them. But God does not obligate nor encourage us to fulfill all our desires (even normal ones). Those desires that violate His laws must be controlled immediately. If you have these desires, you can and must resist acting upon them immediately, by asking God in prayer to help you by His grace and mercy to let go that bad habit and let God. Consciously avoid place or activities you know will kindle temptations of this kind. Don't underestimate the power of satan to tempt you, nor the potential for serious harm if you yield to these temptations. Remember, God can and will forgive sexual sins just as He forgives other sins. Surrender yourself today to the grace and mercy of God, asking Him to show you the way out of darkness of sin and into the light of His freedom and His love. Prayer, Bible study and strong support in a Christian church can help you to gain strength to resist these powerful temptations. If you are already deeply involved in homosexual behavior, seek help from a trustworthy, professional pastoral counselor.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, please heal this land, this country and the whole world from all the immorality and atrocity, especially that person that is going through the temptation of homosexuality right now, and the one that is involved in homosexual behavior already. Please heal them Baba with Your Powerful healing Power in Jesus Christ the Great Healer and Forgiving Son of God Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" "I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?" The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground." Genesis 4:8-10. This is the first murder---taking life by shedding human blood. Blood represents life check out Leviticus 17:10-14. If blood is removed from a living creature, it will die. Because God created life, only God should take life away. Adam and Eve's disobedience brought sin into the human race. They may have thought their sin---eating a piece of fruit----wasn't very bad, but notice how quickly their sinful nature developed in their children. Simple disobedience quickly degenerated into outright murder. Adam and Eve acted only against God, but Cain acted against both God and man. A small sin has way of growing out of control. Let God help you with your "little" sins before they turn into tragedies.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, please heal our sinful nature and do not let it develop in our children. I soak myself in the ocean of blood of Jesus! I command Holy Ghost fire to consume everything that is not of God from the top of my head to the sole of my feet. Please Daddy cover me with Your blood in Jesus Christ my Ocean Divider's Name! Amen! God bless you!!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!
Note: Questions on topics taught or any area of lack of understanding will be responded to if sent to Morningcoffeescripture@Yahoo.comMORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs. Exodus 7:12. God performed a miracle by turning Aaron's staff into a snake, and Pharaoh's magicians did the same through trickery or sorcery. Although miracles can help us believe, it is dangerous to rely on them alone. satan can imitate some parts of God's work and lead people astray. Pharaoh focused on the miracle rather than the message. We can avoid this error by letting the Word of God be the basis of our faith. No miracle from God would endorse any message that is contrary to the teachings of His Word.
PRAYER: Almighty and Everlasting Father, please help us not to depend on the miracle and forget the giver of the miracle which is You and Your Word. As much as we want miracles in our lives especially in our wilderness time, please help us not to fall a victim of satanic miracle or power. Please help us to read Your Word to let it be the basis of our faith. Open our spiritual eye to see spiritually and ear to hear spiritually so that we will be able to rebuke the power of satan in our lives. The Lord rebuke you satan and I rebuke you by fire by thunder, in Jesus Christ the Way and the Word Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
In this Month of March Lord Jesus Christ will lead you, show you His way and His Righteous path, give you Wisdom Knowledge and Understanding to make a good decision of a life time. Holy Spirit of God will go with you and make a way out of no way in this month. The fire πŸ”₯ of the Holy Ghost will burn πŸ”₯ and consume everything that stands as a barrier to your breakthrough and your life endeavors. I decree and declare all round breakthrough and everything is turning around and double for your good in Jesus Christ Gracious and Matchless Father Name Amen!
"This is what the Lord says: By this you will know that I am the Lord: With the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood. Exodus 7:17. God dramatically turned the water of the Nile into blood to show Pharaoh who He was. Do you sometimes wish for miraculous signs so you can be sure about God? God has given you the miracle of eternal life through your faith in Him, something Pharaoh never obtained. This is a quiet miracle and, though less evident right now, just as extraordinary as water turned to blood. The desire for spectacular signs may cause us to ignore the more subtle miracles God is working everyday.
PRAYER: I know God that You are a miracle working Father, come quickly and show our enemies Your powerful miraculous signs in our lives that will let them know who You are in us. Come and answer Your great Name big God, in our lives and in anything that concerns us. But help us not to allow the desire for spectacular signs cause us to ignore the more subtle miracles that You are working everyday with us and around us, like given us the miracle of eternal life through our faith in You, which is something Pharaoh never obtained. Thank You for giving us the miracle of salvation, faith, hope, strength, mercy, grace, healing, protection, financial breakthrough, and for waking us up every morning with new mercies. Thank You for all the above miracles and for the once l did not mention here thank You! Thank You! Thank You in Jesus Christ the Miracle Working Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts: Exodus 7:11. How were these sorcerers and magicians able to duplicate Moses' miracles? Some of their feats involved trickery or illusion, and some may have used satanic power since worshiping gods of the underworld was part of their religion. Ironically, whenever the sorcerers duplicated one of Moses' plagues, it only made matters worse. If the magician had been as powerful as God, they would have reversed the plagues, not added to them.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for Your powerful miracle and please help us to remember to have faith in You and Your Word always to enable our lives to line up with Your righteous miracle. Help us to recognize when satanic things come our way we can recognized it and avoid it through Your powerful guidance and protection. However satan and his groups are planning to duplicate Your miracle in our lives l command them and their power to die by fire in Jesus Christ the Great Miraculous Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
Welcome to the Month of March! The third month of God's divine breakthrough and completeness of favor in your life. A brand new month of moving forward to where God will give you your heart desires in victory. A month God's glory, blessing, mercy, and uplifting will locate you and your family in Jesus Christ Mighty' Name! Amen! Happy Birthday To All of You Who Are Born In March! I pray that God Almighty will protect and guide You All in Jesus Christ Matchless' Name! Amen! "Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth." Genesis 11:4. The tower of Babel was a great human achievement, a wonder of the world. But it was a monument to the people themselves rather than to God. We may build monument to ours (expensive clothes, big house, and fancy car, important job) to call attention to our achievements. These may not be wrong in themselves, but when we use them to give us identity and self-worth, they take God's place in our lives. We are free to develop in many areas, but we are not free to think we have replaced God. What "towers" have you built in your life? What have you use to replaced God in your life? What are the small g, gods of your life? That have blinded your eyes from seeing the One and Only One God (Monotheism) the Big G, that created the world, He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, in whatever ways we have replaced You with any monument of this world please take it away by fire by thunder in our life in Jesus Christ The Only One of Israel' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had commanded. He raised his staff in the presence of Pharaoh and his officials and struck the water of the Nile, and all the water was changed into blood. Exodus 7: 20. Egypt was a large country, but most of the population lived along the banks of the Nile River. This 3,000-mile waterway was truly a river of life for the Egyptians. It made life possible in a land that was mostly desert by providing water for drinking, farming, bathing, and fishing. Egyptian society was a ribbon of civilization lining the banks of this life source, rarely reaching very far into the surrounding desert. Without the Nile's water, Egypt could not have existed. Imagine Pharaoh's dismay when Moses turned this sacred river to blood!
PRAYER; Mighty Man in Battle, thank You for fighting our enemies in the battlefield of our lives. Please do not give us anything or revelation or miracles that will make us feel that we can exist or live without You. But instead, give us a humble heart to always come to You one day at a time as our sources of faith, hope, strength, and to remember that we can do absolutely nothing without You, but we can do all things through You Christ that strengths us. Please l beg You to take away anything that is not of You in our lives whether is there now, or about to, remove it and delete it in Jesus Christ the Giver of All Things Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs." Exodus 8:3. Moses predicted that every house in Egypt would be infested with frogs. The poor of Egypt lived in small, mud-brick houses of one or two rooms with palm-trunk roofs. The homes of the rich, however, were often two or three stories high, surrounded by landscaped gardens and enclosed by a high wall. Servants lived and worked on the first floor while the family occupied the upper floors. Thurs if the frogs got into the royal bedrooms, they had infiltrated even the upper floors. No place in Egypt would be safe from them.
PRAYER: Wow! God Almighty, l am not surprised that You did all that in Egypt, because l know nothing is impossible with You. Please use the same power to help us in our lives challenges especially the ones that want to take us out and make us give up on You, because we cannot see or feel You or Your presence in our wilderness situations due to the pain and suffering of that present time. Please Baba God, make all our impossibility situation possible and best for Your sake and Your glory in Jesus Christ the Way Maker Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Harran, they settled there." Genesis 11:31. Torah left Ur to go to Canaan but settled in Haran instead. Why did he stop halfway? It may have been His health, the climate, or even fear. But this did not change Abram's calling ("the LORD had said to Abram, " 12:1). He had respect for his father's leadership, but when Torah died Abram moved on to Canaan. God's will may come in stages. Just as the time in Haran was a transition period for Abram, so God may give us transition periods and times of waiting to help us depend on Him and trust His timing. If we patiently do His will during the transition times, we will be better prepared to serve Him as we should when He call us.
PRAYER:Dear heavenly Father, thank You for giving me patients in my transition times please help me to continually walk patiently in Your Word And Will. In my time of waiting for You, please help me to depend solely on You and trust Your timing in Jesus Christ my Great Adviser and On Time Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!"LET THE WORD OF GOD BE A LAMP TO YOUR FEET AND A LIGHT FOR YOUR PATH"
In His Service Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu The General Overseer And Shepherd Leader Of Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"the magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the Lord had said." Exodus 8:19. Some people think, "If only I could see a miracle, I could believe in God." God gave Pharaoh just such an opportunity. When gnats infested Egypt, even the magicians agreed that this was God's work ("the finger of God")---- but still Pharaoh refused to believe. He was stubborn, and stubbornness can blind a person to the truth. When you rid yourself of stubbornness, you may be surprised by abundant evidence of God's work in your life.
PRAYER: Almighty and Everlasting Father God, I thank You first of all for waking us up this morning to be able to read Your Word daily through Morning Coffee Scriptures and other avenues. Thank You for encouraging us through Your powerful Word that never change, even if some miraculous signs and guidance change, You and Your Word remain unchangeable. Please l beg You Daddy, to help us believe You anytime, any day even when there's no signs of miracles. Help us to have a radical faith that can make us believe and trust You in whatever life struggles and circumstances brings to us. Remove any type of stubbornness spirit and hard heart in us and give us a spirit filled heart so that we can experience the abundant evidence of Your work in our lives in, Jesus Christ Powerful, Most Obedient and Faithful Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:READ: GENESIS 12:1-3
"The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:1-3.When God called him, Abram moved out in faith from Ur to Haran and finally to Canaan. God then established a covenant with Abram, telling him that he would found a great nation, Not only would this nation be blessed, God said, but the other nations of the earth would be blessed through Abram's descendants.Israel, the nation that would come from Abram, was to follow God and influence those with whom it came in contact. Through Abram's family tree, Jesus Christ was born to save humanity. Through Christ, people can have a personal relationship with God and be blessed beyond measures.God promised to bless Abram and make him great, but there was one condition. Abram had to do what God wanted him to do. This meant leaving his home and friends and traveling to a new land where God promised to build great nation from Abram's family. Abram obeyed walking away from his home for God's promise of even greater blessings in the future. God may be trying to lead you to a place of greater service and usefulness for Him. Don't let the comfort and security of your present position make you miss God's plan for you.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, O Lord my God, here l am send me l am willing to give You all, obey You and walk away from anyone or anything that will hold me back from You, Your Word and Your Will. Please, l beg You lead me to a place of greater service and usefulness for You. Help me not allow the comfort and security of my present make me miss Your beautiful, wonderful, and best plan for me in Jesus Christ my Faithful and Promise Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:READ: EXODUS 8:25-29
"Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, "Go, sacrifice to your God here in the land." But Moses said, "That would not be right. The sacrifices we offer the Lord our God would be detestable to the Egyptians. And if we offer sacrifices that are detestable in their eyes, will they not stone us? We must take a three-day journey into the desert to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, as he commands us." Pharaoh said, "I will let you go to offer sacrifices to the Lord your God in the desert, but you must not go very far. Now pray for me." Moses answered, "As soon as I leave you, I will pray to the Lord, and tomorrow the flies will leave Pharaoh and his officials and his people. Only be sure that Pharaoh does not act deceitfully again by not letting the people go to offer sacrifices to the Lord." Exodus 8:25-29. Pharaoh wanted a compromise. He would allow the Hebrews to sacrifice, but only if they would do it nearby. God's requirement, however, was firm: The Hebrews had to leave Egypt. Sometimes people urge believers to compromise and give only partial obedience to God's commands. But commitment and obedience to God cannot be negotiated. When it comes to obeying God, half measures won't do I know that is right! Amen! Somebody!
PRAYER: My Firm God, thank You for Your firm requirements in our lives that whether our enemies or our Pharaoh's want us to compromise and give only partial obedience to Your commandment that You will raise up Your Powerful Righous standard with Your Word, and Kingdom that will help us to remember that commitment and obedience to You cannot be negotiated. Especially when it comes to obeying You, that half measures won't do. Help us please Lord to believe You and Your Word in this sinful world in, Jesus Obedient and Faithful Father's Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen! MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:READ: EXODUS 8:26
"But Moses said, "That would not be right. The sacrifices we offer the Lord our God would be detestable to the Egyptians and if we offer sacrifices that are detestable in their eyes, will they not stone us?" Exodus 8:26. The Israelites would be sacrificing animals that the Egyptians regarded as sacred, and this would be offensive to them. Moses was concerned about a violent reaction to sacrificing these animals near the Egyptians.
PRAYER: O God my Lord, please help us to remember and keep Your Word and obey You undermining our struggles and circumstances or whether our enemies are present or not. Please l beg You to help all believers to stop compromising You and Your Word due to trials and tribulations. On Your own side Baba my knees are bowed down on the ground that You have created and I am begging You on behalf of all Believers all over the world that You should please come quickly and rescue us and fulfill Your promises with us with immediate effect and attention so that our enemies and their leader satan will be put to shame forever and ever. I say this to say My Father come quickly and do not delay anymore because delay is danger for all Believers, because we need You right now before we lose our minds. l know Your time is the best, but please make now Your time and come quickly to deliver us and come to our aid and help our inadequacies and inpatients before it is too late. Come quickly God! Come quickly Jesus Christ! And Come quickly Holy Spirit! We all need You All now. Manifest Your glory and Yourself because I know You are a miracle working Great God. Show up and show out. O God arise and have mercy on Zion heal Your people and their land in, Jesus Christ our Savior, Deliverance and Promise Keeping Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and say to him, 'This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: "Let my people go, so that they may worship me." Exodus 9:1. This was the fifth time God sent Moses back to Pharaoh with the demand, "Let my people go!" By this time, Moses may have been tired and discouraged, but he continued to obey. Is there a difficult conflict you must face again and again? Don't give up when you know what is right to do. As Moses discovered, persistence is rewarded. Amen! My brothers and sisters, it is well with your soul in every situation, so listen to me, hold on, don't give up, don't faint, don't quit, don't throw in the towel, and don't worry! Be happy! Because God is in charge and nothing is impossible with Him. So even when you are tired and discouraged, please l beg you to continued to obey God and His Word so that when a difficult conflict face you, then you can be rest assured to discover, persistence and be rewarded again and again for your understanding and unshakable Faith.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, in anyway we are getting discouraged or about to give up in doing what is right for Your sake please help us to remember to pick up the spirit of persistence so that we can keep on going and not give up or throw in the towel. Help us to remember the Word of God in Luke 9:62 when, Jesus replied "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Help us to run this Christian race with all joy knowing that our Redeemer will reward us either here in this world or in heaven. I rebuke you satan and Pharaoh's of our lives leave children of God alone and let God's people go forward forever without looking back or give up in, Jesus Christ our Great Redeemer and Great Rewarder Father' Name! God bless you!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"And quarreling arose between Abram's herders and Lot's. The Canaanites and Perizzites were also living in the land at that time. So Abram said to Lot, "Let's not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herders and mine, for we are close relatives." Genesis 13:7-8. Surrounded by hostile neighbors, the herdsmen of Abram and Lot should have pulled together. Instead, they let petty jealousy tear them apart. Similar situations exist today. Christians often bicker while satan is at work all around them. Rivalries, argument, and disagreements among believers can be destructive in three ways. 1.) They damage goodwill, trust, and peace---the foundation of good human relations, 2.) They hamper progress toward important goals. 3.) They make us self-centered rather than love-centered. Jesus understood how destructive arguments among brothers and sisters could be. In His final prayer before being betrayed and arrested, Jesus asked God that His followers be "one" take a look at John 17:21.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ that You go into the hearts of all believers, nonbelievers and heal their wounded heart, soul and mind, satan I rebuke you in the life of every self-centered believers and the spirit of rivalries, argument, jealousy, disagreements among believers I cast you out right now in Jesus Christ our Healer and Deliverer Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILY DEVOTIONAL:
"But the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses." Exodus 9:12. God gave Pharaoh many opportunities to heed Moses' warnings. But finally God seemed to say, "All right, Pharaoh, have it your way."and Pharaoh's heart became permanently hardened. Did God intentionally harden Pharaoh's heart and overrule his free will? No, he simply confirmed that Pharaoh freely chose a life of resisting God. Similarly, after a lifetime of resisting God, you may find it impossible to turn to Him. Don't wait until just the right time before turning to God. Do it now while you still have the chance and life, because life is too short. If you continually ignore God's voice, eventually you will be unable to hear it at all.
PRAYER: Lord of Lords, l know You have given the Pharaoh's of our lives and our enemies many opportunities to heed to Your voice and repent and leave us alone. But in the absence of that or they resist You and Your voice. I command the Holy Ghost fire to consume them and did exactly what God did to Pharaoh and his people to them and completely render them and their wicked ways useless forever. Please God do not let our enemies overcome us but remove the spirit of resisting Your Word and harden heart from us by fire by thunder. Draw us closer to You O Lord and never let us go. Show us Your way and guide us to go the right way and do the right thing onto You in, Jesus Christ our Great in Battle Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!MORNING COFFEE SCRIPTURES, DAILYDEVOTIONAL:
READ: EXODUS 9:20-21
"Those officials of Pharaoh who feared the Word of the Lord hurried to bring their slaves and their livestock inside. But those who ignored the Word of the Lord left their slaves and livestock in the field." Exodus 9:20-21. If all the Egyptian livestock were killed in the earlier plague (Exodus 9:6), how could the slaves of Pharaoh put their cattle inside? The answer is probably that the earlier plague killed all the animals in the fields (Exodus 9:3), but not those in the shelters.
PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the spirit to fear Your Word and do what You said we should do. Please remove the spirit of ignorance of Your Word or the spirit that will make us ignore Your Word from us by fire πŸ”₯ by thunder. Father, we want to do Your will like always, but sometimes the devil with his wicked groups is so busy with all his temptations to take us out like he did to Jesus Christ our Father, and sometimes we fall into the temptations along the way trying to make it to Your commandment and commit to it and sometimes we pass the test like Jesus Christ did. Therefore, Daddy, please help us on our way not to fall into satan temptations and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all the evils of the underworld and wicked device of satan. In the process especially when we pass the test please show us a kudos, a sign of miracle, and a touch to appreciate and encourage us to keep on keeping on. Please do not let us give up on You because of Your delay because Your delay is not denyer. Come Now, come Soon, and come Quickly to Deliver us and be our Refuge and Protector from the workers of iniquity of this sinful world in Jesus Christ our Talk and Do and Commander in Chief Father' Name! Amen! God bless you!!!
In His ServiceΒ© Copyright 2014.Rev. Dr. Joy Anwuli Nwachukwu TheGeneral Overseer And Shepherd LeaderOf Divine Soldiers Of Christ Nation Church Worldwide. All Rights Reserved.
God Punish The devil In The Pit Of hell! πŸ‘‰ #Please don't forget to #Share As Received To #Deliver #Souls With Me In #Jesus Christ #Deliverance Father's Name Amen!


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