I thank God for linking me with you Rev. Dr. Joy A Nwachukwu and the Morning Coffee Scriptures Ministry. Because of this ministry, my family and I along with my co-workers, associates have been covered in prayers as well as by the blood of Jesus. Every Morning Coffee Scriptures discussed has been a blessing to me and one of the scripture stated... Don't let the comfort and security of my present position make me miss God's plan for me. When I read this word, I am encouraged that God patiently waiting for the direction of the Holy Spirit to lead me in the right path. I always come short or fail miserably when I jump ahead of the Holy Spirit. I thank God for Morning Coffee Scriptures and pray that God will continue to use you Rev. Joy A. Nwachukwu for His Glory.

- Daniel Will


Good Morning, Reverend Dr. Joy,                                                             I would like to say how wonderful it is to wake up each and every morning with the Morning Coffee Scriptures. Personally, it has brought clarity to some cloudy situations especially when dealing with life struggles as we all do, I see myself from time to time reflecting back on some of the scriptures that I have archive and find the one that fits a particular circumstance with a friend or a family member. I start every day with the word of God when I wake up which I find very uplifting and exhilarating and to know that after I spend time meditating and praying I can depend on my Morning Coffee Scriptures to follow. I can't thank you enough Rev.  Dr. Joy A Nwachukwu for the effort you put into making people's lives enriched by God's Word. We all face challenges every day but I believe your Morning Coffee Scriptures have touched many.

Thank You and God Bless You!!                                                    - Stephanie Sasha Gray

I just want to say thank you Rev. Dr. Joy A Nwachukwu for the morning Inspirational scriptures Monday through Friday. This has been a blessing to my soul when I am on the go, I have the words. At times when I feel down, feeling like I'm not going to make it, these Morning Coffee Scriptures help me to get through the day. Thank you, Rev. Dr. Joy A. Nwachukwu, God has sent you my way for a reason, to keep me in the tack with the Word of God. We sometimes go astray and we just need that guidance, so you have been a blessing to me by providing these wonderful scriptures to me. I am blessed and so are you.

-Tania Baker

The Morning Coffee Scriptureseswd delivered by the Holy Spirit through Reverend Dr. Joy A. Nwachukwu. motivates me to continue to live for God. I can truly say my prayer life has increased and I am drawn closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this is due to the prayer at the end of every Morning Coffee Scripture. Thank you mighty woman of God for sharing the powerful, life-changing Morning Coffee Scriptures 

- Eva Banks

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